Marketing Trends in 2013

It is that time of the year again: We are slowly heading towards the end of January, many of us have probably already forgotten their new year´s resolutions or have at least become more realistic about their expectations and every-day life has stepped back in.

So why not go ahead and look what this year is going to bring apart from our private lives? As I have been discussing several marketing issues in my past blog posts I would like to use this blog to introduce some new trends and outlooks for the coming year.

Latest Marketing developments in 2012


2012 has been a year which has brought many changes in marketing, especially with the shift from “normal” internet towards mobile internet: A struggle which had also been difficult for facebook to keep up with and find solutions. As JOSH CONSTINE states in his blog post,  Facebook has not released any ads for cell phones as of March 2012. As he states in his post,

“ according to major ad platform Kenshoo, It sees 20% of all Facebook ad spend going to mobile.”

This is a huge change from 0% only 9 months ago to 20% today and clearly is indicating where this is leading in the future.

Predictions for 2013 – Gamification and Marketing

Joanna Lord, marketing expert and blogger has come up with a list of predictions of new trends in online marketing for the coming year.

She also sees a big change toward mobile, as well as tablet concentrated marketing. An interesting point she arises is the role gamification is going to play in the future´s marketing processes and approaches.

Neil Davey further explains in his post the different possible approaches and advantages which gamification can offer, however, gamification is not as simple as it may sound, one also has to be careful when applying it to their marketing strategy as every target segment may need different kinds of gamification programmes.

As Brian Burke, research vice president at Gartner described it,

“Most attempts at gamification currently miss the mark, but successful and sustainable gamification can convert customers into fans, turn work into fun, or make learning a joy. The potential is enormous.”

Bing and Jay-Z: A prime example of gamified marketing

An outstanding example of how gamified marketing can work in the real world and how successful it can be is shown by the following video, explaining how bing and Jay-Z used gamification in their marketing project to gather attention and attract consumers.

Isn´t this just amazing?!

As this marketing campaign has already been released in 2010, we can all be excited about what 2013 will bring with regards to marketing. Surely, the trends set in this past year will continue and I am looking forward to finding out what else this year has to deliver!! If you are further interested in gamification, be sure to also check out Max´ post about gamification!!